JazzIRT / Getty ImagesCold & FluThis flu season may be the worst in over a decade. Doctors share the symptoms they're seeing
Anucha Pimnon / Getty ImagesCold & FluWhere is flu surging in the US? Some hospitals are overwhelmed in states with high rates
Natalia Lebedinskaia / Getty ImagesCold & FluThe flu season is so severe that it's forcing schools to close across the country
jeffbergen / Getty ImagesCold & FluWhat is the difference between flu A and flu B? Experts on the symptoms
Fiordaliso / Getty ImagesDiet & FitnessCan grapefruit boost your immune system and help you lose weight? Dietitians explain
Getty ImagesCold & FluCan cold weather make you sick? Experts explain why more people feel ill in the winter
Riska / Getty ImagesCold & Flu20 US kids have died this flu season: Know these 2 signs your child needs to see a doctor
Getty Images / iStockphotoCold & Flu4 signs your cold is getting better, according to an infectious disease doctor
Courtesy Dr. Cesar TermuloCold & FluI'm a doctor and my healthy 16-year-old daughter died suddenly from the flu
pinstock / Getty Images stockCold & FluThese illnesses are already sending kids home from school. What parents should know
andreswd / Getty ImagesCold & FluShould you get the new COVID booster and flu shot together? What to know
Steve Pfost / Newsday via Getty ImagesCoronavirusFDA proposes shifting COVID vaccine schedule, making it similar to flu shot
Courtesy Catherine Guidry PhotographyCold & FluSevere stomach pain landed her in the hospital on her wedding day. Her story went viral
Courtesy Dr. Vineet AroraCold & FluNational drug stores limit sale of children’s medicine amid shortages: What to know
Rodolfo Parulan Jr. / Getty ImagesCold & FluUS hospitals report rise in severe strep A infections among kids, after 15 deaths in UK