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Receive updates on the Citi Concert Series on TODAY, including when Fan Passes become available.
Sign upThe 13-date lineup for the 2024 Citi Concert Series has been released. Take a look at this summer's schedule.
MORE INFOFrom dates and details to how to get a Fan Pass, we’ve got your questions answered.
More InfoKeith Urban rocks the plaza with a performance of “Chuck Taylors” as part of the Citi Concert Series on TODAY.
In TODAY’s original series “8 Before 8,” artists from our Citi Concert Series lineup answer 8 questions before 8 a.m.
The Hanson brothers stop by TODAY to answer 8 questions before 8 a.m.! The Grammy-nominated brothers Isaac, Zac, and Taylor break down their 20-year journey since releasing their independent album, ‘Underneath.’ They share how “MMMBop” came to be, the influences behind “Penny & Me”, and what the future holds for the band. Plus, we even get an inside scoop on their hair care routine for their iconic styles! Sponsored by Citi.