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Eat Better Today

Healthy recipes and meal ideas to help you eat better TODAY!

Joy Bauer shares a healthy meal plan to start your new year off right

This menu will help you hit your health goals without compromising on flavor.
Berry cobler.
Berry cobler.

A personal trainer shares her go-to no-recipe winter meal you can throw together in minutes

Follow this simple strategy to throw together a nutritious, filling meal in minutes —  when you would rather be curled up on the couch with takeout.
Healthy bowl
Healthy bowl

Joy Bauer celebrates soup season with these nourishing recipes

These soups are like big, comforting hugs — with immune-supporting powers to boot.
Lemon Chicken Soup and Non-Dairy cream of Mushroom Soup
Lemon Chicken Soup and Non-Dairy cream of Mushroom Soup