Free school physical activity programme launched

Free school physical activity programme launched

Children today get very little exercise. This fact is confirmed by the results of school health screening tests conducted by the Debrecen Primary Care and Health Promotion Institute (DAEFI). The school programme of the “Move, Debrecen!” movement hopes that their...
The 3×3 basketball tournament returns to Debrecen

The 3×3 basketball tournament returns to Debrecen

Following the men’s and women’s competitions, the world’s top under-18 national teams will now compete against each other. Since 2015, there have been 20 three-on-three competitions in Kossuth Square, the most of any host city. Mayor of...
More interest than ever for the 48th Debrecen Grand Prix

More interest than ever for the 48th Debrecen Grand Prix

The traditional Debrecen Grand Prix on the 20th of August will see representatives from eleven nations compete.  The details were announced at a press conference held on the 16th of August 2023 by László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen, Norbert Baráth, Managing Director...