Heritage & Must-see Archives - Debrecen4u https://debrecen4u.hu/category/news/culture-tourism/heritage-must-see/ Tue, 02 Jan 2024 12:55:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://debrecen4u.hu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-favicon-512x512-1-32x32.png Heritage & Must-see Archives - Debrecen4u https://debrecen4u.hu/category/news/culture-tourism/heritage-must-see/ 32 32 Cross-border cultural relations between Debrecen and the region could be strengthened https://debrecen4u.hu/cross-border-cultural-relations-between-debrecen-and-the-region-could-be-strengthened/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cross-border-cultural-relations-between-debrecen-and-the-region-could-be-strengthened Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:53:49 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252915 The Romanian-Hungarian programme, which resulted in the completion of the Csokonai Fórum, will soon be completed.

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The Romanian-Hungarian programme, which resulted in the completion of the Csokonai Fórum, will soon be completed. István Puskás, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, said that the initiative had helped strengthen the relationship between Debrecen and Oradea and the two border regions. 

The Csokonai Fórum, the new cultural space, was inaugurated last August, and since then, the theatre and the city have managed to occupy it. The theatrical facility has been realised through the project “EduCultCentre” (ROHU446), “Romanian-Hungarian Cross-border Training Centre and Cultural and Historical Heritage Treasury”, within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, which will be completed at the end of this year.  

“In the field of theatre culture, we have strengthened cooperation between the two cities and the two border regions. Thanks to this, the Szigligeti Theatre in Oradea has been renewed, and the Csokonai Forum in Debrecen has been completed, which is much more than a theatre building; it is also a community space,” he said.

The partners in the competition, which is now closing, include the city council, the Csokonai Theatre, the Oradea Museum and the Bihor County Library. 

The programme aims to create community spaces, strengthen cross-border cooperation and enrich shared cultural values.

“ The theatre and theatre arts communities of the two cities and the two regions have worked and are working together in various forms. From literary translation, drama translation and theatre workshops to the virtual exhibition of the treasury, a series of sub-projects have been or are being implemented,” the deputy pointed out.

The European Union largely funded the project with more than EUR 10 million.

Source: debrecen.hu

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Csokonai Fórum: Cross-border culture https://debrecen4u.hu/csokonai-forum-cross-border-culture/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=csokonai-forum-cross-border-culture Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:44:33 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252913 The establishment of the Csokonai Fórum is the outcome of a series of tenders.

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The establishment of the Csokonai Fórum is the outcome of a series of tenders. At the closing event of the INTERREG project, “Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for the performing arts”, held on the 20th of December 2023, it was said that the Csokonai Forum is more than a theatre. The project was implemented with more than EUR 7 million.

The largest room of the Csokonai Fórum, the Zoltán Latinovits Room, has become the new cultural incubator. The auditorium, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and can seat 350 people, was built thanks to an EU grant.

“The project aimed to bring together the various amateur and professional performing arts and theatre communities in the region in this incubation space. We want to launch new ideas, new initiatives, new projects that can help the cultural communities of the region,” said Deputy Mayor of Debrecen István Puskás.

The project was part of a group of proposals; the other was closed on 18 December 2023 at the institution. The Csokonai Forum was created due to these projects, and a wide range of theatrical activities and communities were established beyond the institution.

“I think we can already say that the Csokonai Forum is fulfilling the role to which it was dedicated. On the one hand, it is a quality theatre space, but it is also more than a theatre, as it serves as a community space and meeting point,” he added.

A virtual exhibition has been created for the project, which is now ending. It involves using so-called VR glasses, which allow visitors to learn about theatre culture in Hungary and Romania.

Source: debrecen.hu

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Values of built heritage in photos https://debrecen4u.hu/values-of-built-heritage-in-photos/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=values-of-built-heritage-in-photos Tue, 19 Dec 2023 10:13:18 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252901 : A photo exhibition entitled "The 80s in Debrecen", to celebrate the architect Emőke Pataky, was opened at the Central Library of the Méliusz Juhász Péter in Debrecen.

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A photo exhibition entitled “The 80s in Debrecen”, to celebrate the architect Emőke Pataky, was opened at the Central Library of the Méliusz Juhász Péter in Debrecen on the 15th of December 2023. The event was opened by István Puskás, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, and architect Attila Harangi.

Deputy Mayor István Puskás stressed that this photo exhibition is a tribute to the life of an architect who has become an icon of the city’s built heritage and the protection of the built heritage in Debrecen. This exhibition will show building photographs in a wide variety of formats from a wide variety of eras and locations. But these images are not only of a professional career but also of a very private story. The fact that a photographer, when he looks at a point in the world with his camera and captures it in a frame, is not only about the world but also about the photographer himself. It’s about why he shows exactly that detail and why he shows it from exactly that place. The images are not just about the subject matter, not just about the subject, but about the person, the approach of the person on the other side of the camera. When you look at this exhibition, you also become part of a very personal story: the story of Emeka Pataky, not only as an architect but also as a person and a personality. He stressed that those who view this exhibition should not only see the buildings but also look for the personality of Emőke Pataky in these photographs.

The chief architect of Debrecen István Gábor said that he considers Emőke Pataky to be his master, who is not only an architect but also a true creator in the sense of fine arts. From this perspective, it is worth looking at her photographs and other works. “She is an artist with a 20th-century intellectual history, who has shown that it is possible to look at our historicity, history, and past as a beautiful and beautiful mystery, a kind of orderly and cultivated system of thought, like a fairy tale. The example of Emőke Pataky shows that it is not always only the creative architect who has a right to exist in architectural and social thinking, but also the public architect. It is a more extensive career than a multitude of completed projects. Emőke Pataky has discovered and documented many architectural treasures, including many folk and Debrecen architectural treasures, which we would not know today or in any case in the future without her work,” he pointed out.

Attila Harangi mentioned Emőke Pataky as a fellow architect and urbanist, for whom this exhibition is also a celebration of her fifty-year professional career. It is also a celebration for Debrecen, as it shows what renowned and respected professionals are working for the city, still very enthusiastically and actively. Emőke Pataky fears, protects, and loves Debrecen and has documented with her photographs the most irreplaceable architectural treasures of Hajdú-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Békés counties. According to Attila Harangi, Emőke Pataky has a collection of historical and architectural documents of national importance. She only recently rediscovered a collection of 600 photographs taken in the early 1980s, and 102 of these are included in the exhibition. Attila Harangi expressed the hope that the collection of historical and architectural documents will be processed – with the active collaboration of Emőke Pataky – and will be published as a book at some point in the future.

The president of the Debrecen City Protection and Beautification Association (Debreceni Városvédő és -szépítő Egyesület), Imréné Kovács said that Emőke Pataky is the professional vice-president of the association, and her work is a great help to their activities. Imréné Kovács expressed the hope that although Emőke Pataky could not attend the opening of the exhibition in person, she would have the opportunity to meet her in person in January and to hear about her experiences and memories in connection with the exhibition.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu

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The candle of hope was lit https://debrecen4u.hu/the-candle-of-hope-was-lit-and-the-advent-wreath-of-the-city-was-laid/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-candle-of-hope-was-lit-and-the-advent-wreath-of-the-city-was-laid Mon, 11 Dec 2023 08:39:41 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252883 The second candle of Advent symbolizes hope.

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On the second Sunday of Advent, on the 10th of December 2023, the candle flame was lit in the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen. Lajos Barcsa, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, represented the Municipality of Debrecen.

The second candle of Advent symbolizes hope. Lajos Barcsa said that this period is more than just a time of festive preparation, as it is a time of togetherness, community and renewal. In Debrecen, Advent is not only a celebration of lights and decorations, but also a time to strengthen the bonds between people.

Lajos Barcsa underlined that Advent is a time to pause and reflect on the successes and challenges of the past year and how we can do something for the community in the coming year. “Christian traditions like the setting up of the manger in Bethlehem and the shepherds’ song are not only part of the Christmas story, but also the fabric of our community,” the deputy mayor emphasised. 

Speaking about the candle of hope, he said that it gives us the strength to persevere in the face of adversity in all situations of life. Hope, hand in hand with faith, helps us to overcome difficulties because we are not alone. Just as the Advent lights shine on the streets of the city, may that hope and love shine in our hearts and may we share that light with others. “Let us be grateful for this time when we can appreciate all that binds us together,” he concluded.

Before the second Advent candle was lit, András Beszterczey, pastor of the Reformed parish of Debrecen-Nagytemplomi, greeted the celebrating community, and Richárd Asztalos, the director pastor of the Debrecen Evangelical parish, gave his festive thoughts. The Kuckó Art Theatre (Kuckó Művésztanya), the Debrecen Folk Ensemble (Debreceni Népi Együttes), the Hajdú Dance Ensemble (Hajdú Táncegyüttes), the Hortobágy Folk Dance Ensemble (Hortobágy Néptáncegyüttes), the Bíró Orchestra (Bíró zenekar), Eszter Balázs-Bécsi, the Dalárda Catholic Choir (a Dalárda Római Katolikus Kórus) and the Boldogasszony School Sisters (Boldogasszony Iskolanővérek) performed at the festive programme.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu

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International Nativity Assembly in Debrecen https://debrecen4u.hu/international-nativity-assembly-in-debrecen/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=international-nativity-assembly-in-debrecen Fri, 08 Dec 2023 08:02:36 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252863 The opening ceremony will be held on the 8th of December at the Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café.

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The International Nativity Assembly will take place again in Debrecen this year after a 3-year hiatus, a tradition with a series of programs dating back several decades. The organisers expect the participation of about 200 domestic and beyond-the-border Nativity scenes. 

The last International Nativity Assembly was held in Debrecen in 2019. The event with a long history has already been marked as intellectual cultural heritage. 

‘We expect nearly 200 participants, with the participation of 10-11 groups. Primarily groups from Hajdú-Bihar county and the neighbouring counties, as well as a group from across the border, from the settlement of Csedreg,’ said Péter Gyöngy, Head of the Sándor Makoldi Center of the National Institute of Culture.

The National Institute of Culture has been cooperating with the city of Debrecen for three years. They see it as their mission to support the initiatives and cultural activities behind which communities stand.

‘It is very important for us to participate in the implementation, draw those professional and methodological conclusions and lessons and share them with an entire cultural and public education network, ‘ pointed out László Angyal, the county director of the National Institute of Culture in Hajdú-Bihar.

At Tuesday’s press conference, István Puskás spoke about how Advent in Debrecen is more than a whirlwind of fairs. According to the deputy mayor, the Nativity Assembly is a program of special importance for the city.

‘This is such an important living tradition of Debrecen and Hungarian folk culture, the preservation of which is a matter of our hearts, so we can help keep this tradition alive, not only in the city but also in the region, ‘ he emphasised.

The opening ceremony will be held on the 8th of December at the Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café. The nativity groups will present themselves at the Vojtina Puppet Theater the following day.

Source: dehir.hu

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The Christmas light trams will light up Debrecen again this year https://debrecen4u.hu/the-christmas-light-trams-will-light-up-debrecen-again-this-year/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-christmas-light-trams-will-light-up-debrecen-again-this-year Sun, 03 Dec 2023 05:34:00 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252839 The decorative lights on the routes will be switched on at the same time as the city lights on Kossuth Square, following the lighting of the first Advent candle on the 3rd of December.

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The decorative lights on the routes will be switched on at the same time as the city lights on Kossuth Square, following the lighting of the first Advent candle on the 3rd of December.

From the 3rd of December, the first Sunday of Advent, until the 6th of January 2024, tram lines 1 and 2 will be dressed up in festive costumes.In addition, on Tuesday, the 5th December, during the Santa Claus tram event, the 502 light tram will run according to a special timetable.

Departure times of the light trams from the Main Railway Station (Nagyállomás):

3rd of December 2023:

Line 1: 

5:26 p.m., 6:14 p.m., 7:02 p.m., 7:50 p.m., 8:38 p.m., 9:26 p.m., 10:20 p.m.

Line 2: 

5:56 p.m., 6:56 p.m., 7:56 p.m., 8:56 p.m., 10:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m.

During the school term, on working days:

Line 1: 

4:36  a.m, 5:26 a.m., 6:10 a.m., 6:58 a.m., 7:46 a.m., 8:38 a.m., 9:34 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:26 a.m., 12:22  p.m., 1:14  p.m., 2:02  p.m., 2:50  p.m., 3:40  p.m., 4:30  p.m., 5:24  p.m., 6:34  p.m., 7:16  p.m., 8:20  p.m., 8:52  p.m., 9:40  p.m., 10:36  p.m.

Line 2: 04:04  a.m, 05:08  a.m, 06:06  a.m, 07:02  a.m, 07:54  a.m, 08:58  a.m, 09:54  a.m, 10:50  a.m, 11:46  a.m, 12:42  p.m., 1:36  p.m., 2:28  p.m., 3:30  p.m., 4:34  p.m., 5:28  p.m., 6:18  p.m., 7:10  p.m., 8:10  p.m., 9:10  p.m., 10:14  p.m.

During school holidays, on working days:

Line 1: 

04:50 a.m., 05:38 a.m., 07:04 a.m., 08:00 a.m., 08:48 a.m., 10:24 a.m., 11:12 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:48 p.m., 1:44 p.m., 2:40 p.m., 4:32 p.m., 5:34 p.m., 6:14 p.m., 6:54 p.m., 7:40 p.m., 9:16 p.m., 10:06 p.m., 10:50 p.m.

Line 2: 

03:24 a.m., 04:28 a.m., 05:20 a.m., 06:12 a.m., 07:00 a.m., 07:56 a.m., 08:52 a.m., 09:48 a.m., 10:44 a.m., 11:40 a.m., 12:36 a.m., 1:32 p.m., 2:28 p.m., 3:24 p.m., 4:20 p.m., 5:18 p.m., 6:28 p.m., 7:22 p.m., 8:22 p.m., 9:22 p.m., 10:30 p.m.

On public holidays and days off:

Line 1: 

04:36 a.m., 05:26 a.m., 06:14 a.m., 07:02 a.m., 07:50 a.m., 08:38 a.m., 09:26 a.m., 10:14 a.m., 11:02 a.m., 11:50 a.m., 12:38 p.m., 1:26 p.m., 2:14 p.m., 3:02 p.m., 3:50 p.m., 4:38 p.m., 5:26 p.m., 6:14 p.m., 7:02 p.m., 7:50 p.m., 8:38 p.m., 9:26 p.m.,10:20 p.m.

Line 2: 

04:48 a.m., 05:44 a.m., 06:44 a.m., 07:44 a.m., 08:44 a.m., 09:44 a.m., 10:44 a.m., 11:44 a.m., 12:44 p.m., 1:44 p.m., 2:44 p.m., 3:44 p.m., 4:44 p.m., 5:44 p.m., 6:44 p.m., 7:44 p.m., 8:44 p.m., 9:44 p.m., 10:44 p.m.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: Facebook (Debrecen városa)

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Debrecen Advent: Candle-lighting and sacral community programmes https://debrecen4u.hu/debrecen-advent-candle-lighting-and-sacral-community-programmes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=debrecen-advent-candle-lighting-and-sacral-community-programmes Fri, 01 Dec 2023 13:31:53 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252824 On the 3rd of December, just after dusk, the first candle is lit on the Advent wreath in front of the Reformed Church.

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Mayor of Debrecen László Papp, and church representatives of the city held a press conference on the candle-lighting and sacral programmes of Debrecen Advent on 27th of  November 2023.

“Debrecen is dressing up for the Christmas Eve celebrations, which will attract locals and people from the surrounding area. The Advent in Debrecen is one of the most beautiful in the country and was recognised internationally last year,” Mayor of Debrecen László Papp recalled. At the same time, he added that Christmas is about faith, religion and the birth of Jesus, and expressed his joy that Debrecen is a city where we can express this together and reflect on the importance of the Advent season together with the city’s church leaders.

He said that Christmas is a peaceful holiday, which should be emphasised, as there are many places in the world where unrest, unhappiness and suffering are the order of the day.

“From here in Debrecen, we would like to convey the message that we pray for peace in all parts of the world so that families and children do not suffer the horrors of warfare and hostilities,” he stressed.

He pointed out that Debrecen has a long tradition of gathering in large numbers in front of the Reformed Great Church on Sundays in Advent, and this will be the case this coming Sunday, 3rd of December when the first candle will be lit on the Advent wreath a little after dusk. He said that, following tradition, the procession will be accompanied by church leaders from the town hall to the candle-lighting ceremony in front of the Reformed Great Church, and the pastors of the Hortobágy will be among the participants in the Advent celebrations. He noted that the nativity scene, a tradition that goes back centuries, is also with us, as the town will once again host a meeting of nativity scene performers from 8th-9th December.

Károly Fekete, Bishop of the Reformed Church District of Tiszántúl, said that when the lights come up, and we sing Christmas carols together, and the music that flows from the speakers until the holiday fills the room let it enter our souls and let it be a soul-shaping time.

Fülöp Kocsis, Archbishop-Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Hajdúdorog, said “Christmas is about relationships, meeting, and building the community. So let us also open our hearts to gratitude that the Lord has given us this, that we can celebrate Christmas in such a beautiful, peaceful city and offer our sacrifices for those who do not have this. Let this be part of our preparations for Christmas-” 

Ferenc Palánki, the Bishop of the Debrecen-Nyíregyháza Diocese, pointed out that “our preparation, like all preparations, must be twofold: communal and personal.”

Sister Luca Németh, a community member of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Debrecen and a teacher at the Svetits Catholic School Centre, stressed that their school has been an integral part of the city’s life for almost 130 years. “The fact that our school exists and is respected in this religiously diverse city is a sign that we need each other, that we need everyone, all people of goodwill who work selflessly and devotedly for the benefit of their immediate or broader environment,” she said.

At the beginning of the event, Anna Sztancs, Eszter Vojtkó, Eszter Fülöp, members of the Pendely Singing Ensemble family, students of the Svetits Catholic High School performed Christmas folk songs from Bukovina, and the press conference was closed with a gift from Roman Catholic missionary Roberto Mattina and his family.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu

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The Christmas tree of Debrecen arrived on the main square https://debrecen4u.hu/the-christmas-tree-of-debrecen-arrived-on-the-main-square/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-christmas-tree-of-debrecen-arrived-on-the-main-square Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:45:56 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252740 The tree will get its festive decoration in the next few days, as the Debrecen Advent opens on Saturday.

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The Christmas tree of Debrecen, donated to the city by Tünde Tőkés Mohácsiné and her family, has arrived at Kossuth Square.

The 14-metre tall fir was cut down in the morning and transported to the main square, where it was carved into a stand by Debrecen firefighters and then placed in place with a crane. Several people stopped to watch the spectacular work on Kossuth Square. Police officers from the Debrecen Police Station provided police security along the transport route. The transport by trailer was provided by Duna Aszfalt Zrt., the holder of the Christmas tree by DH-Szerviz Kft., and the technical conditions for decorating the tree by HélikerInvest Zrt. Mechatron Line Szolgáltató Kft. also participated in the works.

The Debrecen Advent will open on the 25th of November, Saturday.

More information about th programmes of the Debrecen Advent can be found here.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu

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Wizz Air’s Debrecen-Rome flight will be a success https://debrecen4u.hu/wizz-airs-debrecen-rome-flight-will-be-a-success/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wizz-airs-debrecen-rome-flight-will-be-a-success Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:09:08 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252724 From mid-December, it will be possible to fly to the Italian capital from Debrecen.

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From mid-December, it will be possible to fly to the Italian capital from Debrecen.

According to Wizz Air, bookings for December and January are still good.

At the beginning of October, Mayor of Debrecen László Papp announced that Wizz Air would launch a new twice-weekly scheduled flight from Debrecen to Rome, the capital of Italy, starting 13th of December 2023. The flight will operate on Wednesdays and Fridays to Rome Fiumicino Airport (also known as Leonardo da Vinci International Airport), 32 kilometres southwest of Rome’s city centre.

According to Zsuzsa Trubek, Wizz Air’s communications manager, Wizz Air’s Debrecen-Rome flight promises to be a success, with strong bookings for December and January.

Italy’s capital is the third most populous city in the European Union, with 2.8 million inhabitants. The Vatican, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, is located just outside the city.

The centre of Rome is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is home to some of the most beautiful monuments of the ancient world and Christianity, such as the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi Fountain, Villa Medici, the Circus Maximus and the Pantheon.

Wizz Air currently flies to London, Eindhoven, Larnaca in Cyprus (no longer a holiday flight for some time, but a year-round service) and Egypt from Debrecen (the latter is a seasonal flight, operating until spring), while Lufthansa flies to Munich.

The flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, was suspended by Wizz Air after the terrorist attack on Israel and will definitely not be flying from Debrecen this year. Their current plans and hopes are to re-launch the touristically significant service in January. According to Zsuzsa Trubek, they are monitoring the situation. They haven’t given up on it as it was very successful, and they would like to restart it, but of course, the most important thing is the safety of passengers and staff.

It was previously announced that they will also restart their three seasonal holiday flights from Debrecen next year so that in the summer and autumn of 2024, flights will again be available from Debrecen to Antalya in Turkey, Corfu in Greece and Burgas in Bulgaria.

Debrecen airport is expected to handle 250,000 passengers this year.

Source:  dehir.hu

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Festive preparations for Advent 2023 https://debrecen4u.hu/festive-preparations-for-advent-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=festive-preparations-for-advent-2023 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:07:51 +0000 https://debrecen4u.hu/?p=252699 From Saturday, the Debrecen Advent awaits visitors with a variety of
delicacies and an ice rink in front of the Reformed Great Church.

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Lights, smells, tastes, sounds: everything is being prepared for the advent holiday downtown.
Advent in Debrecen opens its doors on 25th November at 9 a.m. and runs until 7 p.m. on 23rd
During the four weeks, a Christmas market, gastronomy, fairground attractions and concerts,
and an ice rink will provide a relaxing way to get into the festive spirit.
The Christmas market in front of Debrecen’s Great Church and the city centre is an
unforgettable sight for those who want to get into the festive spirit. The fair will feature modern
and traditional products: carpets, rugs, handmade ceramics and wooden toys, gingerbread,
herbs, teas, scones and sumptuous Christmas decorations. 75 Christmas-themed stalls will
offer their products, and 23 wooden huts will offer a wide range of culinary delights.
Every Advent weekend, there will be outdoor activities, a playground, and craft workshops in the
Advent Cabin, created in partnership with DEMKI, in the pedestrian area of the city centre.
During the weekends of the Magic Fair, the visiting public will also enjoy the performances of a
rolling pianist, a carnival, fairy-tale characters, dancers, musicians and stilt walkers.
The period from 1st-6th December will be all about Santa Claus: decorated Christmas trees by
kindergartners will decorate the city centre, and Santa Claus will welcome the little ones in the
Advent Cabin, inviting them to join in carolling and fun.
Advent shows will be held every weekend in the Kölcsey Centre: Adventissimo, Valceremonia,
the St. Ephrem Male Choir and the Hajdú70 Gala Evening will guarantee the Advent

Candle lighting and the lights of Debrecen

The main attraction of Advent Sundays is the candle lighting, a symbolic event showing light
towards the holidays.
On 3rd December, the first candle is lit at 4.45 p.m., a parade of traditional art groups will lead
off from the Old Town Hall to the Reformed Church of Debrecen, and the city centre is bathed in
festive lights.

Ice rink and skating rink

From 25th November to 7th January, winter sports enthusiasts will be entertained by a 750-
square-metre ice rink, open from 25th November to 7th January, with a ticket costing just HUF 1,200. On Advent Saturdays, DJs will be playing Christmas-themed music with various themes.

The faces of the city – inspiring the Debrecen community

During Advent in Debrecen, portrait photos of the people behind the Debrecen communities will
be projected on a wall several metres high, showing their impact on our lives and our daily lives.
They are looking for personalities who have inspired people somehow and defined the event or
environment that binds the Debrecen community together. The nominees will be photographed
for the Advent event by one of Debrecen’s best portrait photographers, Rudolf Jakkel.

Source: dehir.hu

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