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Weekly horoscope from Feb. 16 to 22: What to expect for your sign

Pisces season has begun!
Paper cutout of the Gemini zodiac on a purple background
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/ Source: TODAY

What's written in the stars for the week ahead? Though each sign will be impacted differently, the cosmos are calling on the entire zodiac to embrace their hopes and dreams right now.

Simply based on astrological aspects, the week shouldn't be too chaotic — aside from one day. So, before we dive into each individual horoscope, let's take a look at how the next seven days look based on the sky.

Here’s an outlook at the upcoming week:

  • The Sun enters into Pisces on Tuesday, Feb. 18, heightening our intuition and sensitivities until the season ends March 20. For the next month, our hearts will be open, blooming with creativity and love.
  • On Thursday, Feb. 20, the last quarter moon of the month is happening in Sagittarius, pushing us to let go of the past and evolve our mindsets. However, we shouldn't stray too far from our comfort zones during this time.
  • Communicative Mercury in Pisces aspects philosophical Jupiter in Pisces on Thursday, as well, expanding our views and beliefs. Arguments could become more extreme, if we aren’t open to listening to others.

Here’s your personal weekly horoscope.


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Typical Aries dates: March 21 to April 19

The result of a fraught square aspect between the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter on Feb. 20 brings a lot of melodrama to the week, stirring up insecurities or issues from the past that have been brewing. Avoid theatrical discussions and power struggles. Watch your words, as they have the potential to really hurt someone. Do not get caught up in pleasing people or putting the needs of others before your own.


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Typical Taurus dates: April 20 to May 20

As the week starts, you will look for reasons to raise a glass with your nearest and dearest, giving yourself permission to dream big for the future with the onset of Pisces season. Be wary of your generosity with others, though, so you shouldn’t overextend yourself on Feb. 18. Try not to invest too much time, energy or money into someone who can’t return the gesture during the last quarter moon.


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Typical Gemini dates: May 21 to June 21

Surprises might throw you off your romantic game when Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb. 20, bringing unpredictable energy to the table during the last quarter moon. You’ll find that relationships are more dramatic and messier than usual. As the week comes to a close, seek out ways to relax and reset. After a hectic few days, you will want to seek comfort in your partner’s arms or a friend’s shoulder.


Typical Cancer dates: June 21 to July 22

Your talents will be on full display this week, so focus on manifesting your visions and artistry to reach the next level. Mercury and Jupiter share a tense connection on Feb. 20, urging you to take action to bring your creativity to light. The Moon’s abundant and lofty energy is perfect for escaping and daydreaming. These vibes will make your sentiments enigmatic. Don’t be afraid to let your subconscious inspire you.


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Typical Leo dates: July 22 to Aug. 22

This is an excellent time for lucid dreaming. So, if there's anything you need guidance on, ask the universe to bring you answers through the astral realms on the evening of Feb. 18, when the Sun enters Pisces. The only caveat is you might forget them in the morning. Make sure to record your dreams and encounters. Otherwise, you may miss the message before you can comprehend its meaning.


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Typical Virgo dates: Aug. 22 to Sept. 22

You’ll want to be careful not to fall for an unrealistic fantasy, as a harsh grand cross between your Sun and the transiting Moon, Mercury and Jupiter on Feb. 20 could lead to a broken heart — should you fall for a romantic deception. You will feel like you’re in an intense cosmic tug-of-war, so think positively and avoid people or situations that make you feel inferior or bring you down emotionally.


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Typical Libra dates: Sept. 23 to Oct. 23

Financial and professional breakthroughs will likely occur when Mercury and Jupiter square off Feb. 20, so don’t be afraid to take a few well-calculated risks. As the week finishes, you should feel pretty good about your accomplishments, as the last quarter moon encourages you to not to shy away from compliments or acknowledgments your success. You deserve a hearty pat on the back for your goodness.


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Typical Scorpio dates: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

You’ll want to watch for possessive behaviors this week. Luckily, you should be able to talk through any issues that have could arise Feb. 20, when communicative Mercury forms a cosmic alliance with Jupiter. Diplomacy will go a long way, so be sure you’re genuinely giving others the space to be heard. Fences should be mended easily due to the Sagittarius Moon, which wants you to live lightly without excess baggage.


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Typical Sagittarius dates: Nov. 21 to Dec. 21

You’ll feel eager to connect intellectually with your peers and share different perspectives, but if those around you can’t keep up your fast communication, you may need to look for ways to expand your friend circle. The last quarter moon will bring an intensity to the table over the next couple days, which can help make or break bonds. So, be kind in the way you relate to others.


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Typical Capricorn dates: Dec. 21 to Jan. 19

You will feel especially sensitive under this cosmic climate. Even if your intentions are honorable, advice could feel like criticism to those closest to you. If you’ve been neglecting your self care routine lately, it could start to catch up with you this week. Be sure to pamper yourself if you need extra TLC. Think before you start drama and take care of yourself. Protect your energy, Capricorn.


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Typical Aquarius dates: Jan. 19 to Feb. 18

Embrace the attributes and qualities that make you unique. It will be very easy for you to find ways to unapologetically love yourself right now, as the Pisces Sun forms a tender aspect in the healing sector of your chart Feb. 18. Your self esteem will fly high and evoke optimistic sentiments. You’ll be able to take matters on with gusto and enthusiasm due to this week’s astrological glow up. 


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Typical Pisces dates: Feb. 18 to March 19

If you’ve given attention and affection to the people around you, the current celestial energy will remind you to be selective with whom you give your energy to. You must practice emotional and energetic boundaries, as people are taking advantage of you. Being an equal to those around you is vital, especially since you give them tenderness and compassion all the time.